Saturday 29 March 2014

Scout Duck:011

Originally posted on 02/12/2010

Scout Duck:011 Brighton East Sussex, England. Last year Scout Duck 011 made his location known to me on a Youtube video blog called ‘The Doctor’s Diary’. Created back in 2008 the blogs provided a window into the life of Doctor Who fanatic Dale Who. Unfortunately, due to copyright issues the video no longer exists but in it Dale introduced his newly discovered Scout Duck to the world and made him a regular feature in his videos! Finding the blogs to be a fun and easy way to promote the things he liked, Dale shared his passion for movies, television shows, fan films and of course Doctor Who! Aside from being an authority of all things Who, he appeared in the UK Gold 40th anniversary special played a Dalek at conventions and Brighton Pier’s Doctor Who exhibition in 2006.
Each week 011 (Renamed Matt Smith Duck in honour of the 11th Doctor) accompanied K-9 and Dale as he mulled over the latest developments in the World of Who his full sized TARDIS looming in the background and then on March 1st Dale decided to move on!

It was the end but the moment had been prepared for...Dale can still be heard on ‘The Happiness Patrol’ a great series of fan-based Doctor Who podcast. On November 23rd (Doctor Who's 47th birthday) Dale continues his legacy, spreading the good word and sharing his passion with the world.
I would like to thank Dale for his support. Scout Duck: 011 is in very good hands!

For a detailed account of the project please read 'Operation Bath Duck'
© Arfon Jones 2010. All images are copyrighted throughout the world.


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